My first post simply must be about gratitude. This website has been in the works for a long while, and the name change became clear to me about halfway through the process. Because life is life, we’ve had more than our share of starts and pauses, but everyone on the team that partnered with me to make this happen was patient, creative, smart and supportive. Mad props to Alex (website amazingness), Alison (marketing/social media and idea discusser), Stephanie (product photography), Cary (new name brainstormer and logo creator), Martha (my second set of eyes and basically my business therapist), my niecelet Sarah (who makes doing inventory over Zoom fun!), John (my favorite guy at the print shop), friends and family (so much), Juniper (reminding me to take breaks to go outside) and, while I’m at it, the first-graders who gave me a bottle of nail polish in this color. Even when it’s chipped – which is always – it still makes me happy.
I call this a blog, but it’s really much less involved than that. It’s a teensy blog.
Sparks are seemingly small things that light me up on the daily:
colors and light, music and moments, people and pets, thoughts and words.
Whether it’s a stellar day or a sloggy one, sparks are both what help me
slow down and take note *and* also inspire me to keep me scooting right along.
Here you’ll find glimpses into my studio life and personal life, both of which
can’t help weave their way into my work. Often they'll be my Instagram posts.
Feel free to comment if something here resonates with you and your own spark!